The morning starts very sunny again and with incredible views at the coastline.

We are on the road early again. Today we are island hopping! With start with a short stop in Senj for some breakfast shopping, then we head over to the toll bridge and hop over to Krk.
Breakfast in a small village at the seaside. There are worse places…

We head over to the ferry port and learn that the previous ferry is just leaving. But we’re first in line so we buy some icecream and wait for the next one.

Those are pretty big botes.

After 45 minutes our ferry arrives and we start loading. Everything goes pretty effiicient and before we know it, the ferry is completely full.

Off we go!

Yep, we’re not on land anymore.

In Cres, we have to pass the entire line of cars that left the ferry in front of us, which makes for some pretty intense riding. And it goes straight to the next ferry. Where we have to wait again…

When we hit the mainland again, we ride along the seaside but it is not what we expected. We pass one seaside resort after the other and they are all equally busy with the necessary traffic jams. Just before Rijeka we turn north towards the Slovenian border and it gradually becomes less crowded on the road.
And then we enter Slovenia and the fun can start!
This sign is a good indication that the following 4km will be very fun!

And it doesn’t stof after 4km. The next 80 or so kms are empty, twisty road with perfect asphalt! Josephine is having the time of her life! Jo is stuck behind a chopper and is having trouble getting past him on the Ténéré. When he do gets past, he really needs to put his 48 horses to work. But that only increases the fun.
Around 6PM we reach Kobarid and start looking for a camp site. We quickly find it and it turns out to be one of the cosiest camp sites we have seen so far.

We find a nice spot to set up the tent.

And then it’s off to showers and enjoying the views in the last sunlight

Having a look at the Soca river

And then we hit the bar for dinner and beer O’Clock

Today’s route