All things must come to an end. And so does this trip. Although in this… Read the postThis is the end (for now)
Despite this just being a mini-campsite, we did have some neighbours last night. There’s a… Read the postOnwards to Bulgaria
We wake up to pretty grim weather. During the night another big thunderstorm passed over.… Read the postA time for contemplation
After spending so many nights in our tent, a three by three meter cabin feels… Read the postBosnian trails
It has turned into another beautiful day by the time we manage to crawl out… Read the postRe-discovering Montenegro
After another good night’s rest Sofie is feeling a lot better in the morning. Time… Read the postKapetanovo Lake at last
We finish our tea in the little cafe at Kapetanovo lake, say goodbye to the… Read the postIn times of need
The remainder of the HU weekend is nice and chilled. We enjoy doing our own… Read the postFeeling unwell
We’re not the first HU meeting attendees to arrive at the Eko Katun Vranjak camp… Read the postMountain muzings
Before saying goodbye to the friendly girl running the camp site and hitting the road… Read the postMontenegro mon amour